@Dutchie Mobile Photography workshop

Who is this workshop for?

Price: €100 per person (2hrs course.) (incl tax)

Everyone who loves snapping photos using their Iphone / mobile phone.

People often say, I wish I could take great pictures like this person, or that person, or like this photo you have Dennis! Often, the photo mentioned is something I shot and edited using my Iphone. Which then after is shared on my socials. When we focus on getting photos we want to use on social media, your Iphone (/smartphone) is the perfect camera. We just need to know how to use it and what to do after we pressed the shutter button. So I decided to show you how we can use the camera that we have on us at all times to take better photos. If you ever wanted to take your photos to the next level and you own a smartphone this course is for you! I’ll show you exactly what I do to get my @Dutchie photos looking the way they do and promise you, yours can look just like that. We will look at composition and exposure techniques. But I will also show you some awesome ways to take those Instagram perfect photos. To complete it all I’ll show you some very easy retouching techniques. All by only using a smartphone.
Yes. Personally I also shoot with a high end professional DSLR. I would challenge you to pull up my @Dutchie Instagram feed, and tell me which photos are made with that DSLR and which with my phone. See if you can really tell! If you fail, you totally understand the power of your smartphone camera now.

Why this course and what is included?

  • Your smartphone often is the only camera you have with you.
  • You just want to make better photos and fully use the device its capabilities.
  • Personalised course. We will focus on your specific needs.
  • No large groups. One on one or small groups only.
  • Real life course. We meet face to face. No online struggles without possibilities to ask all the questions you want answered.
  • No powerpoint presentations.
  • Practice what you preach. We don’t just talk. We talk, we practice, we look at before and after.
  • Composition tips and how to use these to put extra focus on your subject.
  • Introduction to easy to use editing app for smartphone.
  • Making your photos pop!
  • Easy going and laid back course.
  • Before we meet I will analyse your work and adjust what we handle accordingly.
  • Public, central, Amsterdam meeting location, no dusty office. Coffee bar sounds perfect to me.
  • Let my work speak for itself when judging if I know what i’m talking about.

What is needed for this course?

All that you need to do this course is a (preferably up to date) smartphone with a working camera. (And fully charged battery.)
Additionally you should have acces to your phone its app store to install needed “apps” for post processing the photo.
We will always meet somewhere with a WIFI connection. Language wise we can do the full workshop in either English or Dutch.

When can I do this course?

When ever you want and when our agendas align. I’m very flexible in timings so upon interest reach out to me and we can plan and book your session.
A pre payment is required upon booking more than a month in advance to confirm your booking and reserving the time slot.

Please apply via email: info@justdutchie.com